ballistic hamstring stretch

Get Your Hamstrings Ready To Run Hills!

Image. The CTM Band is a soft tissue massage tool, achilles massage tool, hamstring massage tool, etc. It helps with pain on top of kneecap, patellofemoral pain syndrome, sore knees from running and many others. Get rid of sore muscles fast.

Here's one of my favorites. Hamstrings! I've been lucky enough to run and finish (barely!) The Boston Marathon, three times. Though I've finished with some success, the hills of Newton around 20 miles in have crushed me at each attempt! The plan has been the same every time, to run conservatively through the hills and open things up coming off Heartbreak Hill to finish the last 10K strong. Executing said plan has been a different story. As soon as I start to put my foot on the gas and pick up the pace a little, my hamstrings immediately tighten up and threaten to completely cramp up until I slow back down. Part of this is because 20 miles into a tough race like Boston, your body is just hanging on. BUT if you did a functional assessment on me, you'd also see very quickly and clearly that I'm severely lacking in hamstring mobility. Enter the CTM Band as an effective hamstring massage tool! Adding the routine shown below in my video, I've been able to increase my hamstring flexibility and active straight leg raise significantly. Check it out and give it a try!

In the video, I'm showing a bit of an abbreviated version of what to do. Be sure you're moving the hamstring through a range of motion for the FULL two minutes. Good luck and let me know what questions you have!

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Image. The CTM Band is a soft tissue massage tool, achilles massage tool, hamstring massage tool, etc. It helps with pain on top of kneecap, patellofemoral pain syndrome, sore knees from running. ITB foam roller, illiotibial band foam roller.
CTM Band For The Win!




Hi Sandy! Thanks for the question. You are correct. I’d take 3 of the attachments off so you can focus just one on the distal and lateral part of the hammy. Then take it through as much range of motion as possible with it on. Does that make sense? Let us know if you have any other questions!



What if the hamstring pain experienced is at the distal end and lateral. the outside. Would you do anything differently other than relocate more over the painful area rather than the belly of the muscle group as you have shown here in the video?

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